Tuesday 6 October 2009


3 studies have piqued my interest:

1.Correlation between monetary base and the stock market – monetary base can lead the stock market: http://www.andykessler.com/andy_kessler/2009/10/dow-jones-vs-the-monetary-base-chart.html

2.Correlation between BAA-AAA spread and stock markets – generally assumed that the BAA – AAA spread leads the stock market on a monthly moving average data basis: http://seekingalpha.com/article/134964-choice-of-yield-spreads-as-stocks-indicator

3.This is known but am thinking how this can be extended to equity market - Correlation between forex rates and the treasury rate differential between the two countries: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/05/041305.asp

Idea is to use any/all of the above to see if the current market rally is anywhere close to coming off steam.

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