Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Week of 30 September 2009

Holidays, reading and some gyan for remembering later:
Jim Rogers: Invest in companies/countries which are 1) cheap 2) are about to face a dynamic change such as end of dictatorship, end of closed markets, currency deregulation, increasing trade surplus, end of wars etc 3) will survive hard times. Follow the rules of basic supply demand.
Based on the above Sri Lanka is a buy now.
S&L crisis strategies: buy commerical real estate loans which are selling below par but are 1) from brrowers about to go bust, so when they do, feb will bail out and pay full value of the loan 2) for those porjects which are very sound and will be bought by either the residents or someone else so developer will be able to repay the full loan. same applicable for pool of mortages.
may not a big deal - buy something which everyone is selling, for it must be cheap.
can be big deal - use secondary, tertiary analysis. a tsunami in mexico will increase demand for oil so buy oil, but 1) also will hurt corp 2) govenrment will support the economy by lowering rates, bullish on bonds 3) domestic funds willl buy peso and sell international currencies to support internal economy so peso will rise, etc

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